Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Home For The Holidays

Well, we made it into the house for the holidays...but just barely. In the whirlwind last days before Christmas, we were able to get the house's final inspection, Certificate of Occupancy, and gas turned on. I also installed 400 kW of solar systems in New Orleans in the last month and a half, and that's mostly the reason I haven't found the time to write! The one thing we lack is electricity from the utility, which they were unable to furnish before Christmas. Some might ask why the solar could not provide our juice---it's a grid-interactive system without batteries, so it offsets the electric bill when the grid is running, rather than store it for usage later. So for Christmas we got the best cabin in the city.

The electric will be hooked up this week, just before the New Year. There is still some baseboard to put in, some finishes to apply, some stories to tell; but it's a home now, a home for the holidays.

Happy Holidays from my family to yours!